Control system upgrades and replacements

Obsolescence management for industrial control systems

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What we do

Developing obsolescence management plans for industrial control systems to ensure efficient, reliable and secure operations.

A leading systems integrator

Upgrading industrial automation, control and cybersecurity systems

As a global engineering partner for process and manufacturing industries, we are leaders in automation, safety and digital integration of industrial control systems.

Our expertise extends to providing OT/IT (operational/information technology) solutions that ensure secure data transfer and enable remote operations.

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automation and integration specialists in multiple industries
See what’s possible
Explore which replacement strategy can best address your system’s vulnerabilities while balancing safety, operability and budget.

Many automation and control systems in mature markets are becoming outdated and will no longer be supported by manufacturers.


Risks of obsolescence

Automation systems manage safety, control and monitoring functions from exploration and drilling to refining and distribution. Central to these are Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Distributed Control Systems (DCS).

Many automation systems were installed decades ago and are approaching obsolescence and technology maturity.

As technology evolves with advancements like digital twins, cloud computing, advanced process control, predictive and prescriptive analytics, augmented and virtual reality, edge computing, and remote and autonomous operations, industrial operators face new challenges in maintaining the integrity and security of aging automation systems.

Risks include:
  • Increased downtime
  • Rising maintenance costs
  • Lack of integration with modern technologies
  • Regulatory compliance issues
  • Serious cybersecurity threats

Balancing safety, operability and budget

Not all obsolete systems can be immediately replaced due to funding constraints, operational limitations or resource availability. The large number of brownfield legacy assets nearing obsolescence suggests that upgrade or replacement strategies must be balanced against cost considerations and the acceptable level of risk.

Our specialists can help you develop obsolescence strategies to ensure reliable and secure operations while mitigating the risks associated with ageing infrastructure.

Strategies can encompass both short- and long-term approaches to managing obsolete systems, maintaining operational continuity and leveraging technology advancements.

How we can help

Obsolescence management plan

Infrastructure audits and lifecycle management: Wood can perform a complete audit of your system health, evaluating the risk profile and developing a proactive approach to managing the lifecycle of automation components, helping to identify areas of significant risk before they become critical failures.

Upgrading or replacing vulnerable systems: Where systems are defined as high risk, Wood can develop a planned and managed migration plan to upgrade with modern, compatible and secure alternatives.

Phased replacement: If the option for complete replacement is not viable, Wood can develop a phased approach, upgrading critical components first while planning for a full replacement over time.

Technology assessment and selection: As an independent systems integrator, Wood will review and assess the most appropriate upgrade or replacement solution using industry expertise and knowledge specialists to select the optimum technology vendors to meet your requirements.

Virtualisation and simulation tools: Virtualising older systems and using simulation tools to test upgrades can extend asset life of legacy equipment with minimal risks. Our virtual engineering platform (VEP), a cloud-based remote development and testing environment, and VP Link process simulation software can provide a dynamic representation of any industrial process to an exact offline copy of a control system, allowing remote testing and operator training simulation.

Segmenting networks: Isolating legacy operational technology systems from the broader corporate network reduces the potential impact of infiltration and attack. Wood can design and engineer architecture segmentation solutions to provide additional OT security layering.

Adding cybersecurity layers: Our network specialists can design and deploy modern firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems to protect legacy equipment from external attacks.

Implementing security patching: For systems that cannot be replaced immediately, Wood can work with technology vendors to assess, manage and monitor updates and patching routines.

Employee training: Wood can assess the training requirements for operational and maintenance personnel for new control systems or upgrades and provide simulation, training and documentation.


Control system upgrade planning and support

Short-term mitigation
  • Map and evaluate obsolescence
  • Protect vulnerable legacy systems from cyber threats
  • Secure reliable access to parts and support
Long-term mitigation
  • Manage replacement of obsolete systems
  • Adopt new technologies for future readiness
  • Ensure compliance with safety, cybersecurity and operational standards
Virtual engineering platform (VEP)
  • Test systems with dynamic virtual representations of any industrial process
Independent systems integrator
  • Select the best technology vendors to meet your defined requirement
Client success story

Retrofitting legacy control systems

We improved automation and safety beyond what our client thought possible by modernising the controls of just two pieces of equipment.


A steam generator and reformer experienced significant demand and purge gas heat input swings, causing heater instability, low O2 excursions and steam upsets. The reformer, with manual draft control and limited oxygen monitoring, struggled with combustion imbalances and insufficient air conditions.


We applied API industry best practices and our expertise to redesign the burner management system and combustion controls. This included implementing automatic controls for combustion constraints, air, draft, O2 trim and monitoring systems, along with comprehensive operator training.


This (smaller) control system modernisation enabled the heaters to automatically respond to process upsets and load swings, significantly reducing the need for operator intervention, resulting in improved safety, enhanced automation and cost savings, effectively freeing up one operator.

Get started.
Contact our team of specialists to review your projects needs and get a quote.

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